aegis law areas of practice


Aegis Law Has Been Representing eCommerce Businesses for the Past Decade.

Almost 20 years ago, AEGIS Law began as a new kind of law firm: We are disrupting the business of law, and so AEGIS lawyers are always on the lookout for other disrupters, innovators, and game-changers. A decade ago, most considered e-commerce a niche fringe market—a passing novelty—AEGIS Law immediately recognized e-commerce for what it was: A titanic disrupter that would change business forever.

Since then, AEGIS Law has been at the forefront of e-commerce law, representing hundreds of clients at every stage of the e-commerce pipeline. And we know, as fast as e-commerce is growing, we are still at the beginning of this economic boom.

As rapidly growing as it is, e-commerce just isn’t the same as a traditional brick-and-mortar company. An e-commerce company must take a multidisciplinary approach, confronting issues on Day One that physical storefront might not worry about for years—from technology and privacy law to interstate commerce.

That is why AEGIS Law is such a perfect fit for e-commerce companies. AEGIS Law is a collaborative law firm where attorneys from across disciplines regularly come together to work on a project. With over a dozen attorneys working in this space, AEGIS Law attorneys are constantly learning and innovating. They have the technical skills to understand what e-commerce demands today. They have the vision required to innovate—knowing that what worked a few months ago may not work today or tomorrow.


  • Development of corporate structure
  • Access to venture capital, angel investor, or private equity funds
  • Public offerings
  • Executive, management, and employee agreements
  • Analysis and compliance for cross-border regulations for production and sale of goods
  • Regulatory compliance (federal, state, and international)
  • Taxation—from business founders’ personal liability to interstate collection
  • Negotiation with vendors, distributors, and product fulfillment


Business-to-business e-commerce has hit $6.4 trillion in 2020, and e-commerce has tripled its share of the retail market in just ten years. And neither is even close to a saturation point. Oracle estimates that business-to-business sales will grow 17.5 % annually until 2027.

With a national reputation for working with emerging companies, AEGIS can help your e-commerce company, whether you’re an emerging company or an established brand.

eCommerce Mergers & Acquisitions

A single website in the entire online universe can be a lonely place. Therefore, one of the e-commerce sectors that is exploding is e-commerce mergers and acquisitions (“M&A”). A company with a small market share—perhaps just 2-3%—can become an overnight behemoth with the right aggregation partner. AEGIS Law is on the frontline with e-commerce M&A, providing our clients:

AEGIS Law will help you navigate:

  • Valuation analysis
  • Negotiation of share or asset purchase agreements
  • Due diligence preparation and analysis
  • Contract negotiation
  • Review of disclosure, representations, and warranties
  • Spinoffs
  • Divestiture
  • Fulfillment agreements (e.g., Amazon’s FBA program)

Data Security & Privacy

US companies had sustained 1.1 million data breaches in 2020 alone. And a recent analysis for IBM concluded that—due to lost business, forensic investigations, legal fees, and regulatory fines—a security breach costs companies an average of $3.86 million per breach.

Microsoft security officer recently wrote: “Every company will be hacked.” That presumption of inevitability should not lead companies to stick their heads in the sand.  AEGIS Law can help with:

  • Risk assessment
  • Analysis of applicable U.S. federal and state legislation and regulations
  • European Union ePrivacy Directive and the General Data Protection Regulation compliance
  • Development of policies for data collection and retention
  • Development and analysis of employee data access, use, and training
  • Review of cybercrime coverage and other liability insurance

Intellectual Property

When it comes to e-commerce, intellectual property is one of the most valuable assets a company has. It is critical to think of its application in three independent spheres: 1. The underlying technology your e-commerce company uses; 2. The products or services you’re offering in the marketplace; and 3. The site’s content (e.g., text or graphics used in websites, phone applications, customer mails). To protect your intellectual property, AEGIS provides:

  • Research and administration of software licensing
  • Copyright, trademark and servicemark registration and enforcement
  • Patent investigation and filing
  • Intellectual property litigation (including defense against patent trolls)