aegis law areas of practice

mergers & acquisitions

Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) work is one of the core areas of AEGIS Law’s practice. With more than a dozen of our experienced attorneys advising clients on M&A matters regularly, we have the experience and the bandwidth to help you at all stages of the M&A process.

What Do We Mean by M&A?

When we talk about M&A at AEGIS Law, we mean more than the process of merging companies or acquiring another company. A successful M&A transaction requires significant planning, diligence, and preparation, all leading up to the actual merger or acquisition itself. Like an iceberg, much of the work isn’t necessarily visible but is vitally important to how strong and successful the end result will be.

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Finding the Right Merger or Acquisition Partner

For example, some of our clients find themselves in a position where it makes business sense to grow their company by merging with or acquiring another company, but they don’t necessarily have a particular business partner in mind. Or, they’ve grown to the point where they believe their company would be an attractive merger or acquisition target for someone else but don’t know who that someone else might be. In both cases, AEGIS Law attorneys can help the client identify potential M&A counterparties, contact key decision-makers at those companies, and initiate discussions about a mutually-advantageous transaction.

Restructuring Before a Business Combination

It’s also not unusual for AEGIS Law’s M&A attorneys to advise clients on changes they can make to their business structure or operations to make their company a more attractive business partner in a merger or acquisition. Where the client chooses to implement this advice, our M&A attorneys will work with the client to make the changes as quickly and efficiently as possible while keeping in mind the client’s ultimate goal.

It’s not just about legal services, it’s about you.

Our team of legal experts has worked in the M&A space for many years and knows it well. We are committed to giving our clients the best service possible.

Doing Our Due Diligence Before We Do Yours

At AEGIS Law, our M&A lawyers understand that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to mergers or acquisitions. That’s why we get to know your company, market, competitors, and goals before we focus on how best to structure your transaction. Our lawyers will ask you what’s important to you as a client and work with you to ensure those goals are achieved.

We Also Advise M&A Targets

Our clients sometimes run companies that someone else wants to merge with or acquire. They may have had no interest or thought of becoming part of another company but are approached with initial offers that are interesting enough to contact AEGIS Law for help. Our M&A lawyers work with these clients much as they do when the client is driving the merger or acquisition: we talk with the client, ask questions about their business and their goals, and learn what’s important to the client. We help the client decide whether to move forward, then work to make that happen, whether it’s reaching deal terms that meet our client’s needs, or sometimes helping the client decide that perhaps this isn’t the right opportunity.

Sometimes M&A Doesn’t Mean a Merger or an Acquisition

Not all AEGIS Law’s M&A clients end up completing a merger or acquisition – and often, that’s a good thing. After learning about the client’s business and goals, our M&A attorneys may suggest that the client consider another path to growth, such as a joint venture with another company or securing additional financing from a lender or private equity investor. If the client chooses one of those options, AEGIS Law has the in-house talent to help the client make it happen.

AEGIS Law Covers All Stages of the M&A Process:

  • Deal structuring
  • Asset valuation
  • Due diligence (preparation and review)
  • Recapitalizations
  • Private equity investments and financing
  • Spinoffs and divestitures
  • Corporate restructurings
  • Management and employee buyouts
  • Regulatory and securities issues
  • Antitrust concerns
  • Tax planning
  • Analysis of existing employee, vendors, property
  • Cross-border issues


At AEGIS law, our lawyers collaborate to provide our clients with the best possible service. This team-focused practice allows us to serve our clients efficiently and effectively. The lawyers in AEGIS Law’s M&A practice (and there’s over a dozen of them) always focus on your goals—what you want to achieve from this deal. To that end, our M&A lawyers are problem-solvers.

Contact one of the AEGIS Law M&A attorneys to learn more about how we can help. Call us at (314) 454-9100 or book a consultation online.